Thaïs D'Escufon

Why Feminists Want to Destroy Male Desire: The Hidden Agenda Behind the Male Gaze

Understanding the feminist critique of male desire and the cultural war on masculinity.

In today’s culture, male desire is under constant attack, while female desire is celebrated. This article explores the feminist campaign to destroy male sexuality and its consequences on both men and society. By analyzing Hollywood, advertising, and the contradictory treatment of pornography, we uncover the ideological battle shaping Western culture.

The War on Male Desire: A Cultural Shift

In recent years, a noticeable shift has occurred in Western culture regarding the portrayal of gender and sexuality. Hollywood, for example, has increasingly spotlighted actresses who defy traditional beauty standards, while on the other hand, figures like Sydney Sweeney have risen as icons of desire. In advertising, sports brands feature fuller-figured women, while gyms remain packed with fit models. Yet, there seems to be an underlying contradiction: how can the feminist movement celebrate sex work and the empowerment of women in certain contexts, while simultaneously demonizing male consumers of pornography?

If you’re a man, this may seem illogical, but there is a deliberate strategy behind it, and it is a strategy that is systematically aimed at dismantling male sexuality. Understanding this plan is crucial for men, as it impacts all aspects of cultural life in the West. The demonization of male desire is not random—it’s a calculated move designed to force male sexuality into submission under the feminist agenda.


The Male Gaze: A Tool for Cultural Control

Feminism has long criticized the cinematic industry, and their arguments are clear. If you look at the most famous actresses in Western cinema, they are usually very attractive women—rare exceptions aside. These women didn’t just reach the top because of their talent; they achieved stardom because they appealed to male viewers. This, according to feminist theory, is an “intolerable injustice” because it positions women as objects of male desire.

Feminists argue that the entire cultural production of the West is crafted to cater to the male gaze—the idea that everything, from film to media to street-level interactions, is constructed from the perspective of heterosexual men. When a camera lingers on a woman’s body, it is not for the enjoyment of women, but to satisfy the desires of men. This objectification, they claim, places women at the mercy of male desire, turning them into mere objects.

This male gaze is pervasive across all aspects of culture and is seen as one of the most powerful tools of patriarchy. By reinforcing the idea that a woman’s value is defined by how men perceive her, it maintains male dominance. Feminists argue that to free women from the shackles of patriarchy, they must no longer be defined by men’s desires, but instead, they must define themselves.


The Feminist Agenda: Destroying or Embracing Male Desire?

One of the ways feminist movements respond to this issue is by advocating for women to no longer conform to traditional beauty standards. Feminists argue that women should have the freedom to reject the male gaze altogether by embracing unattractive, unkempt appearances or adopting behaviors traditionally associated with masculinity. However, this approach can often be seen as a rebellion against traditional femininity, as seen in women who intentionally reject the stereotypical feminine beauty in favor of a more “rebellious” look.

Conversely, there are women who continue to maintain their appearance for themselves, claiming they do it for their own self-esteem rather than to attract men. This narrative is often seen among well-known public figures like Emily Ratajkowski and Emma Watson, who have faced criticism for promoting feminism while simultaneously using their physical appeal in photoshoots and films. Their stance raises the question of whether beauty is truly empowering if it is used to gain attention from men.

The Paradox: Men and Women’s Different Responses to Desire

While feminists try to reshape cultural standards around desire, there is a biological reality that cannot be ignored: men are naturally drawn to physical beauty, and women can harness this to their advantage. In a world driven by heterosexual desire, the attractiveness of women plays a key role in their power and influence. This dynamic is present in both culture and media, where the “femme fatale”—a woman who is as dangerous as she is beautiful—is a common trope. In this situation, it is not the woman who is captive to the male gaze, but rather the men who are willing to compete for her attention.

This concept highlights the tension in feminist discourse about whether women should use their beauty to their advantage or reject it altogether. Some women have successfully used their attractiveness to gain power, whether in film, politics, or even through social media platforms like OnlyFans, where women can make millions by leveraging their looks and the desires of men.

Feminists and Pornography: A Divided Front

The debate surrounding pornography is another facet of the feminist critique of male desire. Some feminists view pornography as an empowering tool for women, allowing them to reclaim control over their sexuality and earn money in the process. However, others argue that pornography serves the interests of men, as it perpetuates a culture that focuses solely on male pleasure and reinforces gender inequality.

The split within feminist groups regarding the porn industry highlights a fundamental conflict: for some, it’s a means of empowerment, while for others, it’s a form of exploitation. This division is compounded by the fact that women who participate in these industries are often portrayed as victims, yet they continue to thrive in a space where men’s desires are the driving force.

Conclusion: The Ongoing Battle Over Desire

The feminist movement’s war on male desire is not just about cultural rebellion—it’s about reshaping societal norms and power structures. While some feminists are determined to rid the world of male desire and the patriarchy it supports, others argue that women should have the freedom to use their beauty and sexuality as tools of empowerment. What’s clear is that desire, whether male or female, is an undeniable force in shaping relationships, culture, and societal roles.

To Read: The Demonization of Male Desire: A Feminist Strategy to Understand

Understanding this dynamic is crucial for both men and women, as it impacts everything from entertainment to personal relationships. As we navigate these debates, it’s important to reflect on how male and female desires shape our identity and the world around us.


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